World of Warcraft in D&D Next

One of the things I have long wanted to do is find a way to bring World of Warcraft to life within the D&D experience. I know quite a bit about the world, thanks to years of play; and I want to recreate some of those early experiences for a group of folks who haven’t had the benefit of playing it for ages. Sure, I tried the briefly-lived RPG, and had fun in a play by post; but it fell apart and I’ve not played it since. When my Edge of the Empire game fell apart for my normal Sunday group, and folks decided they wanted to go back to fantasy, I realized that now would be the easiest time to try and bring my idea to life.

I rolled up some basic villains for them to start their quest on – Elwynn Forest is the one I know the best, so I made it that they were all bound for Goldshire on missions of their own. (We have a Worgen (shifter) fighter going eldritch knight, a Draeni (genasi) barbarian and a human paladin making up our little group.)

As things go on, I intend to start writing down my ideas both on the conversion I’m doing, and the storyline I’m building. I’m drawing heavily from vanilla World of Warcraft, so I’m thinking of playing through a few of the storylines – eventually winding up with them doing things like recovering the corrupted Ashbringer, forging Sulfuras or Thunderfury, things of that nature.

We’ll see how it goes!

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